
Being Successful at Choosing a Triathlon Coach


If you are committing to training for a triathlon or even competing on a regular basis, you should consider getting an expert guide in the form of a coach. Whether you prefer online triathlon coaching or something in person it is a great way to get training designed specifically for you that you know will prepare you in the best way possible for the race. The process can be confusing, there is a lot to think about in terms of preparation when it comes to nutrition, training, gear and so on and a coach can help get things in order.

Things to consider choosing a coach

Every coach is a little different depending on their own training and experience, and how athletes interact with their coaches is different too. Here are some of the things to take into account.

1) Choose a coach with the strengths you need

If you are someone who needs focus in their triathlon coaching on the swim part of the race then make sure you have a coach who can get you stronger in that area. While all coaches should have some competence and guidance for all three parts of the race if you have one that you need additional support with, choose a coach that has shown proof they can provide that.

2) Find a coach that is available to you when you need them

Different coaches offer different amounts of feedback and interaction so think about how much you want from them. Will you want to communicate directly with them and have more direction from them? By having some feedback and communication you can ensure the training plan is tweaked if it needs to be and you are getting the support and advice you need.

3) Consider what style of coaching you respond best to

Coaches have different styles and that is true with online triathlon coaching and other options. Do you want a coach that is very supportive and acts almost like a cheerleader? Do you want someone to crack down on you because you are not good at motivating yourself? You can look at what other clients have to say and what their reputation is like to see if you think you would benefit from their style.

4) Make sure they are trained and experienced

It is important to have a coach who has the right training and experience and can meet your needs so you can achieve the goals you have. If you are a beginner you will want someone experienced with beginners. They should be up to date about the sport, new techniques, new equipment and the like.

5) Think about how much you can pay

When you decide to get triathlon coaching how much you can pay has to be a factor in what you choose. The more experienced and easy they are to get in touch with, usually the more expensive they are. Try to get the best coaching option for your needs that falls within your budget.

Jane Tudor

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